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'Auana - Our Past... Full sized
Auana - Our Past... Close-up, Top
Auana - Our Past... Close-up, Right
Auana - Our Past... Copper Leaf 1
Auana - Our Past... Left Foot
Auana - Our Past... Close-up Skirt
Auana - Our Past... Copper Leaf 2
Auana - Our Past... Signature
Auana - Our Past... Oil Thumbprints


2018 painting, oil on canvas, with applied pieces of copper leaf. Painting measures 36" by 48", with the painting's back stretcher featuring my thumbprint in oil. 


This, along with it's sister paintings An Electric Humanity, and The Voice of Movement, are the first set in a series of paintings celebrating Hawaiian traditions. In this picture, I focused on 'Auana, the Hawaiian term for modern hula. When you watch hula 'auana, the dancer intimates a story using their hands and body movements. I wanted to focus on this woman's feet, as they're the source of those movements and subsequently, the starting point for these stories. In doing so, this draws into distinct view the action taking place in hula dancing. Learn more about hula 'auana, one of our great traditions.

5% of the purchase price of this painting will go to support the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, which provides historical preservation and contemporary support of Hawaiian culture. This donation will be made in the purchaser's name.


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